Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011
Beberapa minggu yg lalu, nomer handphone aku (081 8730 ***) menerima sms dari nomer +44755555 (kalo ga salah soalnya udah aku hapus) yg isinya kurang lebih menyatakan bahwa nomer handphone aku terpilih secara acak sebagai pemenang dari Coca-Cola International Mobile Telephone Draws Award, yg menyuruh aku untuk memberikan konfirmasi lewat email ke cokesms@live.co.uk
Setelah aku coba kirim konfirmasi, tepatnya jam 18.00 aku buka email sambil berbuka puasa, dan ternyata ada balasan dari email tersebut yg isinya demikian :
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Prize Redemption Centre - 1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9HQ, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 742 331 2362
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You have been awarded GB£995,000 by Coca-Cola Company, United Kingdom. This year's International Mobile Award is no doubt a great opportunity for us to show appreciation to our Customers' patronage in the past 125 years, and to help them contribute to the development of their communities. Your Number was selected randomly through our computer ballot system, and was attached to the winning ticket (15, 40, 23, 07, 02) in the final category of the draw. All numbers were obtained from the International Mobile Directory.
I wish to let you know the steps that you must follow to receive your prize money at the earliest possible time. In this process, we shall respect your views, opinions and most importantly, protect your privacy. Please provide us with the following information to enable us issue you the Award Certificate and process your prize release.
Full Name.....................
Home Phone..................
Mobile Phone.................
Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) is CCC-10IMD1511 and must be quoted in the subject of every correspondence. Please keep details of your winning confidential until the successful transfer of your fund to you, as any form of double claim will lead to withdrawal of the Prize. This draw was conducted solely by Coca-Cola Company, UK and cannot be redeemed at your Local Coke Office.
Once again, I congratulate you personally on your selection and implore you to adhere to our directions in ensuring successful claim. Further guidelines shall be provided to you on our receipt of your personal information.
Kind Regards,
Bose Woolwich
(Claim Agent)
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This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secured or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. The Coca-Cola Company does not take responsibility for Our users' personal views..
Waow...995.000 Poundsterling, tahu sendiri donk nilai mata uang Poundsterling kalo di kurs ke rupiah Rp. 13.400,- per 1 Poundterling-nya (995.000 x Rp.13.400 = Rp. 13.333.000.000,-)
13 Milyard, kebayang ga dapat duit segitu. Mau beli apapun juga terlaksana.
Hingga akhirnya aku coba balas lagi email tersebut sesuai dengan apa yg "dia" minta. Aku berikan data-data pribadiku (tapi palsu).
Dan mendapat balasan seperti ini :
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Prize Redemption Centre - 1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9HQ, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 742 331 2362
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We wish to acknowledge the receipt of the provided details and would like to thank you for your cooperation. The provided information have been successfully verified in our database, and have been forwarded to the appropriate department for the preparation of your certificate of award. Your fund shall be transferred to you within 7 days from today provided you follow my guidelines.
We deposited your Prize (£995,000.00) with Societe Generale Bank Plc., here in UK for safekeeping and it shall be transferred to you directly from them. We have sent an official request to Societe Generale Bank to release the funds to you as the prize beneficiary and would like you to download, complete and send the application forms attached to this e-mail to Societe Generale Bank as scanned e-mail attachments on: opts@sgcibuk.net so that they can remit your fund to you. If you would like to receive your prize money by Cheque/Bank Draft, please do not provide your Bank account details on the application form. Please contact me as soon as you hear from the bank.
Note: If you cannot print the forms to fill it out, you can send the whoe information requested on the application to the Bank by e-mail.
Kind Regards,
Bose Woolwich
(Claim Agent)
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This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secured or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. The Coca-Cola Company does not take responsibility for Our users' personal views.
Yang katanya ada formulir yg harus di download dan di isi untuk segera di kirimkan ke opts@sgcibuk.net
Ada 3 formulir yg harus di isi, seperti ini formulirnya :
The Operations Manager
Societe Generale Bank
41 Tower Hill
London EC3N 4SG
United Kingdom
Tel: +44-207-060-1937
Fax: +44-207-117-1307
Attention: Eddo (claimant)
Re: requirements for your prize release
We acknowledge receipt of your application letter which sent in to this department. Societe Generale Bank Plc, under the payment order of the Coca-Cola Company of United Kingdom, wishes to confirm to you, and express our willingness and intent to transfer your Award sum (£995,000.00) to you.
The confirmation is as follows:
Instructor - Coca-Cola Company of United Kingdom
Location - 1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9HQ, United Kingdom
Approved sum - GB£995,000.00 (Nine Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand Great Britain Pounds)
Deposit type - Sealed Bulk [fully insured]
Deposit tenure - 30 days
To this effect, we require urgently certain documents which you must provide in order to make your claim totally legal, according to the relevant status;
- proof of winning [the certificate of award issued to you by the Coca-Cola Company of United Kingdom].
- a fund release order [f.r.o] from the financial services authority, United Kingdom.
As soon as we receive the complete transfer requirements mentioned above, the management board of Societe Generale Bank plc will complete all claim processes and remit the total sum of GB£995,000 [Nine Hundred and Ninety Five Thousand Great Britain Pounds] in your credit to you without any contests. These requirements must be provided to us as soon as possible to avoid complications in your payout and must be sent as scanned e-mail attachment.
If there is anything that you fail to understand in this e-mail or require assistance in getting the Fund Release Order, kindly contact your Claim agent, Bose Woolwich.
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Karl Ladley
[Operations Manager]
This e-mail message is confidential and for use by the addressee only. If the message is received by anyone other than the addressee, please return the message to the sender by replying to it and then delete the message from your computer.
Internet e-mails are not necessarily secure. Societe General Bank plc does not accept responsibility for changes made to this message after it was sent.
Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to avoid the transmission of viruses, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the onward transmission, opening or use of this message and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data.
No responsibility is accepted by Societe General Bank plc in this regard and the recipient should carry out such virus and other checks as it considers appropriate.
Yang isinya meminta aku untuk mengirimkan bukti sertifikat pemenang dari Coca-Cola Company dan juga rincian pembayaran, yang ke esokan harinya aku dapatkan dari Coca-Cola Company :
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Prize Redemption Centre - 1 Queen Caroline Street, Hammersmith, London W6 9HQ, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 742 331 2362
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I have received a copy of the mail that was sent to you by Societe Generale Bank and I am happy to learn that your fund has been approved for release, pending when they receive the requested documents. We are done with the preparation of your Certificate of Award and attached below is a scanned copy. The hard copy has been sent to Societe Generale Bank on your behalf as required for the release of your prize and shall be mailed to your address as soon your fund is transferred.
You are required to send them a scanned copy of your identity proof such as; work Id, International passport, Drivers license, Voters Card, National Identity Card (NIC), student ID or any other valid identity card. If you do not have a scanner, you can send them the Identity Card number and Date of Issue.
Societe Generale Bank also requires a copy of the Fund Release Order (FRO) from you. This document is to be obtained from the Financial Services Authority here in the UK, before they can transfer your prize money to you. This is a mandatory requirement that must be met by you to Legalize and Certify your winnings. If you are unable to make physical appearance here in the UK at this time to obtain this document, kindly contact the FSA directly on:
Head of Operations
and Transfer Services
Financial Services Authority
E-mail: fro@fsabritain.com
Let them know that it is a matter of urgency, and do not fail to explain why you cannot come in person as required. As soon as Societe Genherale Bank receives the complete documents mentioned in their e-mail to you, they shall complete the claim process and transfer your fund to you.
Kind Regards,
Bose Woolwich
(Claim Agent)
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This message may contain confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secured or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. The Coca-Cola Company does not take responsibility for Our users' personal views.
Dan aku-pun udah mendapatkan sertifikatnya yg seperti ini :
Kalau saya baru sampai mereka mengirimkan surat yang isinya disuruh memandatangani SURAT KUASA, pikir2 dulu coba browse nama Bose Woolwich eh yang keluar cerita penipuan semua.........ya udah sampai disitu ceritanya.......
Haha.. sama donk mimpiku jd milyarder jg nyangkut disini dah..
13 aug dpt sms yg sama persis & isinya jg sama cuma no kirimnya +44778888888.
Coba2 sent email id palsu semua blsnnya jg sama cm aku blm nyampe di krm sertificate-nya.
Cukup sekian dah.. balon mimpiku mletus...
wah aku yo podo ext, sujokno aku rung sido gawe sertifikat'e. thankz yow ez kei informasine. slamet aku ra sido ketipu. seng gawe pancen gedebus tenan. konco konco seng wes ketipu ojo gelo kui wes pancen nasibmu gek elek,seng pentenng aku rung sido ketipu. hahahahahahaha
[jowo tulen chuyyyyyyyyyy.........]
Wah banyak pendatang baru nich...
Salam kenal brother, inilah Our World
Sering-sering mampir aja, sapa tahu ada info yg berguna bagi brother...
- We Are Support Each Other -
Aku juga menerima sms yang sama. Kayaknya penipuan!!! hari gini mana ada sih perusahaan raksasa sekalipun mau berbaik hati menghamburkan uang yg begitu besar ke beberapa orang sekaligus di seluruh dunia lagi????
Sama malah aku dapat copy Deposito dari Cociete Generale Bank sejumlah 1juta GBP tapi buntutnya minta ditransfer lewa Union Expres jumlahnya 913 GBP
Hahaha....saya juga mengalami hal yang sama. padahal saya dah yakin dapat dan ini bisa dipercaya karena.
1. Saya ngelike coca cola di FB.
2. Saya pernah kirim complain ke coca cola amatil, terkait lambatnya pengiriman "show case" coca cola (saya pedagang eceran yg menjual produk2 coca cola)Malah karyawan di coca cola meminta saya berhenti kirim email, karena resikonya dia dipecat hehehe....
3. SMS yang saya dapat pengirimnya UKCC (ini kan gak bisa sembarangan bikinnya)
Ternyata semua itu penipuan ya? hiks... gagal deh jadi miliarder dadakan....hehehehe...
Wah, ternyata sudah banyak yang pernanh mengalami ya......saya baru dapat sms nya 2 hari yang lalu, dan saya langsung browser di google mengenai hal ini, ternyata,,,,,,,,,ngimpi.....hahahah
waduuh...ternyata banyak juga temen-temen yang hampir jadi korban kirain saya sendiri yang mewakili indonesia menjadi salah satu pemenang dari 126 pemenang diseluruh dunia
padahal satu langkah lagi akan jadi miliyarder tahunya tertipu email spam he.he.he
untung belum transfer 650 GBP, kalo udah aduuh...gmana pusingnya???
he...he...he...ini aku br ngalami, malah bsk tgl 17 ada diplomat yg akan dtng bw uangnya langsung ke rumah katanya!!! tapi ya itu kitanya juga hrs nyediain dana u keberangkatannya + biaya hotel sejumlah $650, hebat gak tuh, ha...ha...haa!!!! kira-kira "dikasih gak yaa..aa.aa"
Huahahahahahahahaha...gw baru dpt sms nyaaa,,,dah penasaran aja nih..niatnya tu duit buat nonton derby manchester :D
hahaha gw dapet. email dr bln november 2012, smuanya sma isi emailnya, sampe merka ngirim diplomatic ke bali, gw di tlepon sm yg namanya YENI ktnya petugas bandra dan gw hrs.kirim uang ke rek dia, buat bea cukai bandara krna.gw ngmongnya ngaco, jd.kesel tuh orng hehehe... dan beberapa hri kmudian dr UK kirim email disclaim form.yg musti gw isi, gw masih pnasaran jd gw tetep tanggapin tuh email, dan gw blng klo gw mw byr fee nya klo gw udh bisa ketemu sm diplomatic dan liat isi dari depositnya... hehehe
gw jg dpet sms'n, tp gw bkan dari no mlah dari coke/kokas.. Gmna tuh.
mohammad reza ramezani
Barusan aku dapat.. Untung aku cek ada bloger.. Hah selamat dari penipu...
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