Jumat, 26 Februari 2010

Posted by Crew Our World

Temen2 blogger... mungkin setiap manusia didunia ini berhak akan jatuh cinta...jatuh cinta pada orang yang menurut dia cocok dalam segala hal...baik, perhatian, sayang sama dia dsb, karena cinta adalah anugerah dari yang Maha Kuasa tanpa kita bisa menolaknya (bener ga seh..."). Nah, disini viraa hanya mau sharing dengan OW mania dimanapun anda berada yang tentunya pernah mengalami jatuh cinta, agar jatuh cinta tidak sia-sia dan berakhir tidak jelas....
Viraa punya tips-tips yang harus dihindari ketika anda sedang jatuh cinta. Simak ya !!!  

Selamat Membaca...."

1. Over time
Love actually requires a process and time, with over time can grow and love each other. Quite often forget this one, with too quickly begin a relationship could result in not so good for you or your partner, because they do not know each other well, including the character, or nature.  And conversely, if too much haste to break up just because the problem is minor or trivial, is not wise.because it takes love.

2. Forget oneself
When he was in love, often only think of a lover, just want to be alone with him. Until the people around it was neglected so long people would be away around it. This can lead to bad things later on, for example, you will be less interaction, and when you are alone or bored with your kakasih, there was not a friend along with you.

3. Lie to yourself.
People who fall in love often give excessive tolerance to the couple, as if his spouse   or disorder is not a big problem and they hope to finish with over time.

4. Outer beauty
This often happens when falling in love is too much priority over physical beauty inner beauty (inner beauty). Whereas physical beauty can be reduced with time and inner beauty is much more useful.

5. Don't Judge a book by cover
Most of us have always thought that something must be pretty or handsome very good, but not with love. Love just need the heart and not physical.
When you falling in love, say to yourself that do not have to be pretty or handsome to fall in love, because love belongs only to those who have good hearts.

6. Rely hope and happiness to the couple
You may to fall in love with anyone else but do not assume that your spouse only can make you happy. Avoid concentrating and happiness to one person only, because it can close the opportunity to become better and close insight into yourself.  Unlike when you and your spouse have been married.

7. Repeat the same mistakes.
Intropeksi himself particularly on the failure in your love relationships. Before the new relationship, try to consider what causes the failure and what is the solution.

8. Relationship without a clear purpose.
Dating is an activity that anticipated by the partner who is in love, but if you do not have a clear goal, it will eventually make you tired physically and mentally.  So you should set goals in a relationship with the prospective couple.

9. Create a relationship without a friendship
Maybe you're in love with your partner but do not forget you also need to build a friendship with him, take the time to know or care what she needs or wants. Not only physically but consider studying personality.

10. Say Yes
The power of love can make someone do something negative even though he knew that it was wrong. Control your mind and do something positive.Do not say yes, though it was the name of love.

Oh ya..Ow mania...maaf kalo para OW mania ada yang masih bingung apa seh sebenarnya point-point yang ada dalam postingan ini ..???? hhmmmmm jangan khawatir dech.....tetep Tongkrongin Our World... Untuk The next release akan viraa postingin dalam "Indonesian version"..hehehe......tunggu aza okey....."
Viraa's creator


Eddo mengatakan...

Gimana kalo aku aja yang terjemahin.....

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